17 - Titti - 1974, oil on canvas cm. 50 x 60 -
private collection
18 - Silver birches
- 1985, oil on canvas cm. 50 x 70 - collection: Raoul Rygaert
, Charleroi, Belgium
19 - The persimmon
- 1987, oil on canvas cm. 50 x 60 - private collection
20 - A winter day in Feltre
- 1996, oil on canvas cm. 43 x 53
- private collection
21 - Healdsburg, Ca. U.S.A., The vineyard
- 1990, oil on canvas cm. 40 x 60
- collection: Lu Hughes
, Santa Rosa, Ca. U.S.A.
22 -
The fishermen port in Bodega Bay, Ca.
- 1990, oil on canvas cm. 50 x 60
- collection: Lu Hughes
, Santa Rosa, Ca. U.S.A.
23 - Milan, Ticino Gate
- 1987, oil on canvas cm. 50 x 60
24 - Paris, a view of Bir Hakeim bridge
- 1988, oil on canvas cm. 40 x 50